booking fasewind

Fasewind offers two booking options: 


If you allready know your products and schedules you can directly book your activities or your equipment by following the instructions:

1. Add the products to your cart.
2. Complete the form that appears on the webpage shop and confirm your order. You will receive an e-mail confirmation.
3. We will contact you by e-mail checking activities, prices and schedules and providing you our bank account.
4. Transfer the 20% of your bookings to our bank account and send us by e-mail the confirmation.
5. Booking is done! Join us in the center for the payments and enjoy your activities!

BOOKING 2: COMPLETE THE FORM and ask for any additional info

If you need more information about prices, schedules, equipment, etc., complete the next form. We will provide you all the information you need, by following the next instructions:

1. Complete the next form with all your information and submit it.
2. We will answer you by e-mail checking products, activities, prices and schedules and provide you our bank account.
3. Transfer the 20% of your bookings to our bank account and send us by e-mail the confirmation.
4. Booking is done! Join us in the center for the payments and enjoy your activities!

For extra info just contact us by

Choose your subject so we know what are you searching for
Describe your pre-booking and the information you wish to receive. We will send you our proposals and the schedules so you can choose having the best options. You will need 20% payment in advance to confirm your booking, we will send you our bank details so you can transfer the booking. In case of booking lessons, please complete the next information for the students:
Wich languages is the student able to speak? Help us organising the groups by languages.


In case of reserving your lodge, please contact Camping Las Dunas and let them know you have booked activities in the Fasewind Center. Let us know too, so we can help you with the reservation.