
Time: 2 – 3 hours long
Level: All levels
Price per peson


Descend the Fluvià river down to la Gola, were the river joins the sea. Sport, nature and lots of fun, paddling through the natural park Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, in Sant Pere Pescador. You can do it with a guide or by your own.

We normally meet in the tourism office of Sant Pere Pescador, next to the bridge that crosses de Fluvià river. If you need help with the transfers just ask for it. You will find all the equipment you need next to the river, and a guide waiting for you. Before the excursion we organize the cars. It’s the best way to have them in la Gola, where the excursion ends, so it’s super easy for you to go anywhere after the excursion. 

We can organize a dinner for you in the SPK restaurant, next to the river. In this case we will take the cars directly to the restaurant.

 We organise one excursion per week in summer, normally Wednesday or Thurday. You can join the group or organize your own group with your specific activities and flexible schedule (minimum 5 people).

The excursion is about 2 to 3 hours long, since we meet in the tourism office. The normal schedule is arround 4pm.